Saturday, January 23, 2010

Leave a Hole Behind You

I'm priveleged to know some pretty special people. A few years ago now we had a pretty awful car accident. Our car was written off at the beginning of an extended holiday. We received all kinds of offers of help - including the loan of another car - from people I barely knew. We were loved and looked after by people who knew the Raamonster's parents, just because we were related to them.

They, like a number of other people we know, leave a hole behind them wherever they go. Wherever they are, they give something to others. When they are gone, that something is deeply missed. Some people leave an obvious hole behind them because they are bubbly and enthusiastic and full of energy. Others leave a hole that is felt, but not seen or understood - a quiet, empty place. We don't always recognise the loss when someone moves to another area, or is absent from church, or goes back home at the end of a holiday. Even if we don't recognise it, we do feel it - whether it is a huge, gaping chasm, or a quiet, empty place. I wonder - am I the kind of person who leaves a hole behind me?*

Leaving a hole behind us is not about being well-known, or even well-liked - it's about giving the best of what we've got from God. The kind of hole I'm talking about comes from God's presence in our lives, not our own amazing personalities. It's not about being seen - it's about just being.

We live in a world where people are becoming increasingly separate and self-centred. Too often my interactions with other people are focused on doing business, not building relationships. My life can easily become little more than a series of tasks to be done as quickly and easily as possible so I can then retreat completely into a world of electronic entertainment (such as reading other people's blogs :)). Again, I have to ask myself, do I give to others? Do I invest myself in relationships? Do I leave a hole behind me?

I'd like to encourage you to look people in the eye and smile, to listen more and talk less... Wherever you go, when you leave, try to leave a hole behind you.

* I'm pondering, not fishing for compliments!


Anonymous said...

Well, we loved our time with you last month! Quite decent of you to open your house to visitors even while you've got a busy house just with your own family. We had a most enjoyable time, and so did the girly with her cousins.

You weren't fishing for compliments so you can take this as a clinical observation or something. :)

skimbly said...

Thanks for that clinical observation! We look forward to seeing a lot more of you in just a few months...