Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Train

The wind blew sharp and coldly
Over barren rocks and railings
While we shivered on the platform
Watching, waiting for the train.

With eyes fixed on the distance,
Icy hands tucked into armpits,
Tingling feet like horses stomping,
While we stood waiting for the train.

In the stark, unfriendly silence,
Minutes slowly ticked to hours,
Snorts and mutters of impatience
At the train that never came.

So many moments squandered,
As life crept cat-like by us,
While we snorted and we muttered
At the train that never came.

Too often living is suspended
For the dreams of Something Better,
Dreams that keep us, watching, waiting,
Like the train that never came.


Anonymous said...

Kim, did you write that? Beautiful & insightful. Thanks for the reminder to keep at least one foot on the ground & to maintain a gratitudinous attitude for what we have now. Love you! Feisch xo
PS. You're very talented!

Anonymous said...

A good point, eloquently expressed.

skimbly said...

Why thank you both! The words for this just flowed because it has so often been true of my life - I've wasted precious moments waiting for "something better", instead of "redeeming the time" as the Bible instructs us... Something I'm working on - living today for today instead of in suspended animation :)