Thursday, December 17, 2009

Patience or Pain? (Continued)

The really difficult part of this birth for me was the waiting. Patience is not my strength, and by the end of the first 24 hours I was in tears. Anxiety and uncertainty had set in, but what could I do except... wait?

Although the pain that followed was right at the limits of my endurance, it was far easier to handle emotionally than the previous stage. This experience certainly made me much more sympathetic to those who deal with low-level chronic pain... Especially if it's enough to keep them awake at night! Just one night of mild labour pains was bad enough - I simply can't imagine enduring that kind of thing day after day AND night after night - especially without the reward of a baby at the end!

ANYway, I had all these profound thoughts to share, but now they're all gone, so I'm just going to end it there and write about something else.


Nat said...

Read this a while back and wanted to comment, but couldn't really think of anything worthwhile to say at the time. Then I kind of got waylaid with a baby of my own!... anyway, I guess I just wanted to say thanks for telling your birth story, and I'm glad it was all so totally normal, even if you found the waiting a big challenge. I love the way birth can give us such important spiritual insights! :)

skimbly said...

Thanks! Yes, there is so much to learn from the journey of parenting, from the moment of conception on! I must admit, though, I don't always find the lessons to be enjoyable! :)