That title does sound very self-centred, but my intent is to be introspective and not tell YOU what the definition of 'you' is. That's for you to decide for yourself.
Life here at Joyful Mornings has had some ups and downs. During the 'downs' I got to feeling pretty sorry for myself (OK, let's make that A LOT sorry for myself). Since many of those downs have been due to circumstances beyond my control, my unhappiness was, of course, Someone Else's fault.
More recently, things have been more up, but I have found myself continuing to be unhappy. This was the beginning of the Great Revelation. I should already have understood from the scriptures such as the Apostle Paul's statement that he had learned "in whatever state, to be content" (and that was after some pretty harrowing experiences, to put it mildly). What I should have understood already is that I choose peace and contentment... or not.
It's not the bed less-than-perfectly made (not by me, of course!), or the toys still on the floor after they were meant to have been put away that rob me of my joy. Nor is it the far bigger hurts. It is me. (Yes, I know I should say 'I', but I'm not gonna). Me who robs me of contentment. I am the definition of me. Not Someone Else, not Unavoidable Circumstances.
Hang on, though, I'm not done. This process of contentment needs God. Without Him guiding me through, there can be no peace. With Him, there can. Joy is a fruit of the spirit, therefore it is impossible without God, but possible in ALL circumstances with God - yes, ALL. God's power is not limited by our pathetic human perceptions of joy, fear, pain, loss and contentment.
One other thing - joy and contentment don't require an absence of pain. Some of the most peaceful times in my inner life have been the most outwardly tumultuous and painful. Even in the midst of sobs that seem to tear the body from top to bottom, there can be joy and contentment... with God. Jesus Christ epitomized this in His crucifixion and death. Joy is a fruit of the spirit. Christ had a full measure of the spirit at all times. Therefore Christ was joyful even while in utter agony of mind, body and spirit. QED.
So, today I choose joy. God grant me the wisdom, strength and maturity to choose it tomorrow and ever after.
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