It's been amazing to see how the behaviour of our chickens have changed while they've been raising chicks.
This second photo is a couple of weeks old - I hope to take another one soon. We had strong winds that left Poppy despairing over her precious plants, but God answered her prayers and they survived against the odds.
Kayaking on the dam has been a great activity for the hot summer days. Oh, and we learnt a lot about bees when we had a bee colony removed from under our verandah (I haven't included photos of that since they have other people in them)
And *finally* the girls are starting to be willing to play for other people, and Poppy is even *requesting* "family band" (admittedly partly because I let her off piano practice which she doesn't love) - something which used to be a *huge* battle with all of them. Cinnamon can keep up with her sisters for a couple of pieces, and the older three play Pachelbel's Cannon (according to a somewhat biased Mummy) beautifully. Welcome to our homeschooling year. May I do better at keeping records this year!