I hardly know how to begin this post. This topic has weighed very heavily on my heart for some time now. As floods have swept away both lives and livelihoods, and now cyclones have battered our nations coastline, yet those natural events don't hold a candle to the destruction that is being wrought by our national disgrace.
Based on an estimate from 2005, close to 200 babies a day are killed in our country. As long as a human baby is at least partially inside the womb in the state of Victoria, it has less rights (i.e. none at all) than a chick embryo in the third trimester.
I'm not even going to publish the horrible details of what is now completely legal in the state of Victoria - it is simply too unbearable. Cold, hard facts, unembellished by pro-life proponents, can be found at this government site http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Abortion_in_Australia. For anyone who doubts just how disgusting late-term abortion is, you can search for yourself. In my mind, it amounts to nothing short of torture.
Our national disgrace is that while the rights of animals and the antics of footballers hit the front pages of our papers, abortion does not. Our national disgrace is that I received many emails asking me to attend rallies to protect the rights of mothers to give birth at home, I received none pleading with me to protect the right of a child to be born. I received numerous emails begging me to sign a petition to protect a woman in another country from being put to death, but no one has asked me to sign a petition to prevent the ... I can't even write it ... to prevent what is done to late-term babies in order to remove them from their mothers womb.
More recently, many have asked me to rally around to support those who have lost their homes and experienced terrible trauma in the recent Queensland floods, but no one has asked me to rally around to encourage and help pregnant women who believe their only support network is an abortion clinic, and who are likely to suffer years of trauma later in life.
At election time, the rallying cry of politicians has been to invest in the economic stability of our nation. There has been no mention of the emotional stability of a nation which engages in the wholesale slaughter of defenseless children (YES! They are children, not merely "fetuses" or "embryos"). I can only conclude that politicians focus on economic stability because that is what our nation cares about and that is what will get them elected.
As I cuddle my own baby girl, I feel like she is the one being threatened by our national disgrace. And the reality is that the threat to her is very real. When we hold life so cheap that it is legal to throw a living baby - surgically removed from it's mother's body - into a dumpster (or worse), what possible hope can we have for the future of our children? We can expect them, as a generation, to grow up believing in the disposability of people (while, in all likelihood, they will vehemently defend the rights of animals).
I can offer only one remedy for our national disgrace - to pray and ask God for forgiveness and healing. I know that the only true defender of the unborn can be God himself, and knowing what happens in abortion clinics across our nation (and other nations) every day motivates me to be all the more urgent in my pleas to God for HIS Kingdom to come.
Abortion is not merely the sin of a few desperate women and amoral doctors, it is the disgrace of our nation. In the overwhelming majority we have contributed to its legalization. We have rejected God, torn down the foundations of marriage and family, and invested our lives in the pursuit of physical possessions. In the process, we have relentlessly destroyed our country's single greatest resource and blessing - its children. Many have wondered aloud how "ordinary" Germans could stand by while the holocaust occurred, little realising that Australia is engaged in the barbaric elimination of the unborn. We have yet to fully realize the returns on this diabolical investment, but unless we throw ourselves on God's mercy in abject repentance, we can expect that there is going to be hell to pay.